So deer chums, here's a quick SALUTE! update -- as it's already the 4th month of the new year and we've got all sorts of news to tell!! It's go-go ahead for our t-shirt design 'All aboard the good ship homo' for Homo-a-gogo promo to raise money for their third festival in 2009-- and we can't wait to see the results!
Yesterday we had an email from one of the lovelies who runs Club Motherfucker in Londontown and we've been asked to design the first 7" for awesome neu punk band Team Robespierre, () for release on the new Motherfucker label in the UK.
Great stuff, can't wait to sink our teeth into that puppy!!
Our film-editing hell has almost ceased. As I write this, our promo for Risky's Bar is rendering and I shall post it off today. There's all sorts of loose ends to sort out as I'm offski to the Lock Up Your Daughters launch party in Glasgow, which happens this Friday. Should be an amazing event and I may event do some Drag Rapping to get folks in the mood!
Right, that's all for now.